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CHurch of Creed


Many people turn away from the traditional religions.

For them, we offer a new concept as a life design - CREED:

CHurch of Creed is the ultimate church for all those who are faithful and not limited to a small hemisphere.


1: Creed = opinion, principle

2: a brief authoritative formula of religious belief, e.g.: the Nicene Creed

3: a set of fundamental beliefs; also, e.g.: a guiding principle

Similar words: belief, credo, cult, faith, persuasion, religion

Not creed: agnosticism, atheism, godlessness, nonbelief, secularism, unbelief



We are:

Kirche des Glaubens     Église de Credo     Iglesia del Credo     Igreja do Credo  

信條教堂     クリード教会     크리드 교회     Gereja Pengakuan Iman 

كنيسة العقيدة     Церковь Крида     Kostol vyznania     Ecclesiae Fidem

CREED takes the best values from the existing religions


gives you something NEW.






We are people with a belief / faith / creed.

Our basic creed is this:

People need to believe.

We can believe in:

God – love – honesty – reliability – our strength – our brain – our good fate –

being good – losing all burdens – friends - …


The CHoC does not build churches.

Our place of assembly is the internet: this site.


The CHoC does not entertain an army of

priests – pastors - rabbis – imams – ajarns – etc.


Every one is his and her own teacher.

CHoC makes the word come true: You are the salt of the Earth.


The CHoC promotes love for the others.

In this respect, the CHoC has chosen to follow the respective words if Jesus.


The CHoC is YOUR church.

The CHoC does not preach.

We are open for what YOU have to say.

In order to keep CHoC alive:

  • Contribute and donate.

  • Become a member.


The CHoC is tolerant.

The CHoC has room for followers of all religions and creeds.

The CHoC has room for followers of all non-religions.

We wish to help overcome religious and ideological quarrels.

We do not wish to be infiltrated by sectarian movements.


This is the CHurch of Creed = CHoC



Asking questions

Short answers


Click on links to find more information.



What is religion?

The word comes from old Latin.

Re = again

Legere = read

Religion = read again.

So the people used to “read” something “again”.


They wanted to do right whatever they did.

We of the CHoC want to do right what we do.

See more: Further info in the menu or click here.


Since when do people have religions?

There is a historical development:

First hints in pre-historic times:

 120 000 years ago: carvings in caves, maybe wth the hope to hunt animals easier.

Clearer indications: 40 000 years ago

Buddhism: 2600 years ago


Many-Gods-religions in ancient times:

Greek, Roman, Egyptian, German, Indian, …


One God religions:

Jewism: ca. 3500 years ago

Christians: ca. 2000 years ago

Muslims: ca. 1400 years ago

For brief description of religions on people in society,

see further info / sermons in the menu or click here.


What is atheism?

These people deny God.

However, with using the concept of God, they actually are admitting HE exists.

So: they too have a creed.

We take atheism for a substitute religion, so, another religion.


Why do the people have religions?

Why do they have creeds?

They look for an authority to guide  their lives.

They look for help.

CHoC wishes to give help on a larger scale than just a single religion does.

Why do the  people join? What do they want?

​To organize their lives.

To live more peacefully.

To have hope.

To be in a community.

To lead a good life.


For the effect of religions on people in society, see Sermons in the menu.


Once more: What is creed?

Creed means faith = belief.

The CHoC is based on the following beliefs:


Everyone needs to believe.

Everyone believes in something.

We talk of religious beliefs.

We refrain from sentimentalist exaggerations.


For more about understanding creed, click here.


Do the religions have faults?


Many errors have occurred in all the peoples’ beliefs – We explain some of them.

Errors: Christians:

Due to recent historical research, we state the following, as examples:

The world as not made in 6 days, or 6 phases.

Man was not suddenly created, but is the end product of an evolutionary process.

Maria was not visited by an angel.

Jesus did not make wine from water.

Also, he did not die on the cross,although he was crucified.

This is explained in more detail in "Religion - wozu noch?", see below.


Errors: Muslims

The "Jihad / Holy War" is not a physical war where people must be killed,

but it is a theological dispute.

Errors: Jews

They still do not recognize Jesus as reformer.

Errors: Buddhists

Their urge to be free from pain is selfish.

Also, they are not altogether peaceful, as many people like to think.

Errors: Atheists

When they say they do not believe in god they accept his existence,

because they argue with him.


Are the religions good?

Are they helpful?



What does CHoC do?

CHoC tries to help people find life-solutions in a wider range

than the one that a single religion can offer.

One of our approaches is this:

We aim to understand events of the past from a scientific viewpoint,

Mainly we seek information from historians.

Our platform is this website.

Do I want to join CHoC?



Give YOUR answer.

And you can donate too.

Presently, we use these accounts:

Joachim Stiller - Siam Commercial Bank PCL - Khon Kaen City, Khon Kaen - Account Number: 551-419590-7 - BLZ / SWIFT: SICOTHBK

Joachim Stiller - Commerzbank Hamburg-Bramfeld - Account Number / IBAN: DE03 2004 0000 0468 0070 70 – BIC: COBADEFFXXX
& Paypal (

Donations are needed for our work.

Every time you see a new article on this site,

you will know that at least US$ 100 have been donated.

It tells you how religious the world is.

This is our way of life as members of CHoC:


We obey the law.

We are free to make decisions.

We do the right things.

We will not be manipulated – by commercials, by politicians, by the wrong prophets

(prophets is the old word for teachers and opinion leaders).

We help others.

We are fair to others.

We do what is our duty.

We actively participate in life.

We feel united in our quest for an optimistic, deliberate, progressive social reality

with well-being and self-fulfillment.


By doing these things, we will be good people serving the highest principles, and be successful in life.


As a member, YOU may add more rules. Use the shoutbox function.

Living with one's creed / belief / faith does NOT require an organization -

therefore, CHoC will never have a list of members.

For more info, see "Sermons".



CHoC will never spam you with unwanted emails and sermons.

That what the sermons could say has already been said by Jesus, Gautama, Mohamed,

and other enlightened teachers.

However, we offer some help to shape your life:

Read more for your soul

E-Books in PdF for easy download, readable at the computer

For more information & downloads, click on titles.


In English language

404 Prayers. By Joachim K. Stiller

eBook (ePub) - Price: $10.99


In German language

Religion: wozu noch? - Geht uns die Schöpfung langsam flöten? –

Eine Betrachtung der 4 Weltreligionen und ihrer Gegner. Von Joachim Stiller

E-Book, 383 Seiten - Preis: CHF 18.86 (exkl. MwSt)


Die 95 Thesen des Theologen Dr. Martin Luther. Von Joachim Stiller

Preis: CHF 10.46 (exkl. MwSt) - 134 S., DIN-A5.



Die Gaza-Rollen - Mein Leben mit Jesus - Judas berichtet aus seiner Sicht

156 S., DIN-A5. - 15,00€     19.82

Copyright Joachim Stiller 2019

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Upcoming Events



9:00 AM -

3:00 PM

57 E 4th St, New York 


Easter Warn
Up Sermon

9:00 AM -

3:00 PM

57 E 4th St, New York 


The Light

9:00 AM -

3:00 PM

57 E 4th St, New York 



Help Those In Need

“Whoever is generous to the poor lends to the Lord,
and he will repay him for his deed.” 

[Proverbs 19:17]

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